@thesis{thesis, author={FIKRI MUHAMMAD ALI}, title ={KEANEKARAGAMAN TUMBUHAN MANGROVE DI TELUK SEREWE KECAMATAN JEROWARU KABUPATEN LOMBOK TIMUR TAHUN 2019/2020}, year={2019}, url={http://eprints.hamzanwadi.ac.id/4014/}, abstract={MUHAMMAD ALI FIKRI. 12220085(2019). Diversity of Mangrove Plants in Serewe Bay, Jerowaru District, East Lombok Regency in 2019/2020. Thesis: Biology Education Study Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (MIPA) Hamzanwadi Selong University. Supervisor: (I) Wawan Muliawan, M.Pd, (II) Nunung Ariandani, M.Pd. This study aims to determine the diversity of mangrove species in Serewe Bay, Jerowaru District, East Lombok Regency in 2019/2020. This research uses qualitative or descriptive research. Sources of data obtained from primary data and secondary data. Data collection techniques using a design that is applied by describing mangrove plants. The results of research on mangrove diversity through density, frequency and diversity index found 65 species of Rhizophora stylosa (6,5%) and 25 species of Sonneratia alba (2,5%).Plant ecology index in the mangrove community showed 90 N and H` as much as 0 indicating that the diversity of plant species in Serewe Bay was at a low level of species diversity. Keywords: Diversity of Mangrove Plants} }