@thesis{thesis, author={KARTINI YUYUN WITARI}, title ={PENGEMBANGAN MEDIA KARIKATUR BERBASIS KARTU BERSERI PADA MATERI AJAR RUANG LINGKUP DAN PERMASALAHAN BIOLOGI}, year={2019}, url={http://eprints.hamzanwadi.ac.id/4030/}, abstract={The shortage of use of instructional aids in schools has driven impact for effective teaching. The development for caricature is one of alternative solutions undergone to increase students' interest and enthusiasm. The purpose of this research and development was to create series cards based caricature taken from public figures in the sub-discussion of Ruang Lingkup dan Permaslahan Biologi. The research and development used adopted the Borg and Gall model which has been simplified into four steps; prior investigation, planning, constructing and testing. The instrument used in collecting data was in the form of a questionnaire distributed to 10 students. In accordance with the results of the questionnaire readability analysis of caricature, it was stated that students had positive responses with a percentage of 44,66% very good responden, 28,66% good responden, 10% gave insufficient comments and 16.66% responded sufficiently. Other data such as validation assessed by a team of experts said that the appearance and content of the media are valid and ready to test. Key words: caricature, series cards} }