@thesis{thesis, author={NURMUSTOFIANA SALSABILA}, title ={AN ANALYSIS OF THE INTRINSIC ELEMENTS AND MORAL VALUES OF “TWELVE YEARS A SLAVE” IN SOLOMON NORTHUP NOVEL}, year={2020}, url={http://eprints.hamzanwadi.ac.id/4622/}, abstract={The objectives of study were to find the intrinsic elementsin The 12 years a slavenoveland findthe moral values in the novel. The method that wasused in thisstudywas descriptive qualitative method, which focused on the textual data analysis. Theresults obtained consist of theintrinsic elements;consist of the main characters are Solomon Northup,Edwin Epps,Bass,William Ford and Patsey as the Mainantagonist, setting the novel takes places in Louisiana. Red River Parish (French: Paroise de la Riviere-Rouge) is a parish located in the US state of Louisiana; This novel explain about Oppression as the condition of individual which gets exercise or treatment in a harsh, cruel, bad or unjust mannerfrom another which has more power;Point of View it used third personas the point of view on thenovel. In 1841, African American Solomon Northup, a free man, is kidnapped and forced into slavery under the name 'Platt' for 12 years. He faces the hardships of being a slave under the hands of a few different slave owners. Through faith, will power, and courage Northup must survive and endure those 12 years as a slave; The moral value the importance of friendship and togetherness. Keywords: intrinsic elements, and moral values} }