@thesis{thesis, author={Dr. Hj and Titik Erlina}, title ={MOTIF DAN KEPUASAN MENONTON SERIAL LONCENG CINTA DI ANTV (Studi Kuantitatif Eksplanatif Pada Kelompok Ibu Pengajian Masjid An-Nur RT 23 / RW 05, Jatimulyo, Kelurahan Kricak, Kecamatan Tegalrejo, Yogyakarta)}, year={2017}, url={http://eprints.iain-surakarta.ac.id/1423/}, abstract={ABSTRACT TITIK ERLINA, 2017, 131211001, Thesis. Islamic Broadcasting Communication Department, Faculty of Ushuluddin and Da'wah, Islamic Institute Surakarta, MOTIVE AND SATISFACTION TO WATHCING SERIES LONCENG CINTA IN ANTV (QUANTITATIVE EXPLANATIVE STUDY IN MOTHER RECITATION AN-NUR MOSQUE GROUP AT RT 23 / RW 05, JATIMULYO, KRICAK VILLAGE, TEGALREJO SUB DISTRICT, YOGYAKARTA) This research is motivated by the emergence of non-local programs from India that controls the rating of television in Indonesia. These non-local programs have less supportive content for community development. The presence of election time that is not in accordance with the rules of television broadcasting in Indonesia. So it can have a bad impact on the audience. Therefore, researchers try to examine the level of satisfaction gained by viewers of the non-local programs. The purpose of this study is to explain how big difference between the gap between the motives with satisfaction in Mother Recitation An-Nur Mosque group at RT 23 / RW 05, Jatimulyo, Kricak Village, Tegalrejo Sub District, Yogyakarta in watching the series of Lonceng Cinta in ANTV. The population in this study is the Mother Recitation An-Nur Mosque group at RT 23 / RW 05 Jatimulyo with a total of 20 people. Since the population is less than 100 then this study is a population study. So the sample used as many as 20 respondents. The research data was obtained through survey method with questionnaires spread, conducted at the beginning of May 2017. Processing and data analysis was done by explanative quantitative method. This research uses Uses and Gratification theory. Data analysis techniques in finding the gap using Palmgreen discrepancy formula. The results of this study indicate that there is a difference between the average score of motive variables with the average score of satisfaction variables (GS