@thesis{thesis, author={USTANTI UMI}, title ={TESIS PERAN WALI MURID DALAM PENGEMBANGAN TAMAN KANAK-KANAK TK) AISYIYAH KECAMATAN JATISRONO KABUPATEN WONOGIRI TAHUN 2016}, year={2016}, url={http://eprints.iain-surakarta.ac.id/152/}, abstract={Umi Ustanti The purpose of this research is to find out: the role of caregivers in the development of TK Jatisrono Aisyiyah, barriers the role of caregivers in the development of TK Jatisrono Aisyiyah, and find solutions to overcome the barriers the role of caregivers in the development of TK Jatisrono Aisyiyah. This research uses qualitative research methods, descriptive. Research conducted in kindergartens (kindergarten) Aisyiyah Jatisrono January-February 2016. Subject of research: Guardian Jatisrono Aisyiyah kindergarten. The informant: the principal and kindergarten Jatisrono Aisyiyah. This research method is to use the method of observation , interviews , and documentation in data collection , as well as information to support the course of the research process. Data analysis techniques; data collection, data reduction, the presentation of the data, and draw conclusions. Model of data analysis using interactive analysis. Data is validated using data triangulation Conclusion the results of the research can be the author pointed out the following: the role of Caregivers in the development of kindergartens Jatisrono Aisyiyah conducted among others can develop a classroom which was originally not there be there the next, leading to a Muslim Prayer space, teacher, and a parking lot. In addition the role of caregivers can be either; control the time to learn and how to learn child; monitor the development of the child's academic ability; monitor the development of the personality that includes moral attitudes, and behaviour of children. The role of Caregivers in the barriers to the development of a kindergarten Aisyiyah Jatisrono about economic factors, Educational Factors, lack of motivation, lack of awareness, employment, and the lack of socialization. Solutions to overcome barriers in performing the role of Caregivers in the development of a kindergarten Aisyiyah Jatisrono by providing motivation to caregivers for contributed to develop kindergartens according to his abilities and status. Key words: role, Caregivers, development, TK} }