@thesis{thesis, author={Budiasih S.Pd. and Hermawan Setyo Budi}, title ={STUDENTS’ READING COMPREHENSION ON NARRATIVE TEXT AT THE SECOND GRADE OF SMK BHINNEKA KARYA 05 TERAS BOYOLALI IN ACADEMIC YEAR 2016/2017}, year={2017}, url={http://eprints.iain-surakarta.ac.id/667/}, abstract={Key Word: Reading Comprehension, Narrativee Text, Student‟s Reading comprehension skill is a fundamental skill to obtain further academic learning success. Most of them understand the informational of the text; in other words, they are good in decoding the text but struggling to comprehend what the underlying meaning and purpose beyond the text are. The research goal is to analyse students reading comprehension skill on narrative text at the second grade of SMK Bhineka Karya 05 Teras, Boyolali on Academic Year 2015/2016. This research used the qualitative method that is supported by the quantitative method. The qualitative method is in the form of expression sentence while the quantitative method is in the form of table. The data were obtained from the informant, respondent, observation, and students test outcome. Analysis process in the qualitative method was explained in the 3 steps, as following: data reduction, data presentation and conclusion. The results of test scores of the students of SMK Bhineka Karya 05 Teras show that all the students have reached the KKM that have been assigned by schools that is 65. However in the mastery of reading English on students was classified as being. The form of the questions that are available on the test scores are numbered 50 questions and the whole were multiple choice namely selecting Answer A, B, C or D. The form of the question highly allows students the origin of the answer and the answer is available downward because the results of the interview with English teachers shows that the reading ability of students is generally categorized as moderate.} }