@thesis{thesis, author={Ika Apriliani and Novianni Anggraini}, title ={A STUDY ON FLASH CARDS IN TEACHING VOCABULARY FOR SEVENTH GRADE STUDENTS AT MTS NEGERI II SURAKARTA IN THE ACADEMIC YEAR OF 2015/2016}, year={2016}, url={http://eprints.iain-surakarta.ac.id/698/}, abstract={The key word : Vocabulary Mastery, Flash Cards, Descriptive Qualitative and MTs N II Surakarta The aims of this research are to know the implementation of flash cards on the teaching English media in vocabulary, the problem solve of flash cards on teaching vocabulary and the teacher try to solve the problem of teaching vocabulary by the teacher in teach vocabulary. The subject is the seventh grade students of MTs Negeri II Surakarta. The researcher will teach in VII B class. It is caused the teacher chosse this class to the researcher. This class consist of 40 students. The research design is descriptive qualitative research. There are many instruments of the research, they are the researcher herself, hand phone, laptop, camera, syllabus, lesson plan, material, text book, and students score. The reseacher can collect the data from the observation, interview and document analysis. To analyze the data, the researcher did three steps, they are the data reduction, the data representation/display, and the drawing conclusion. To prove the trustworthiness the data, the researcher used triangulation technique. The triangualation technique that used is data triangulation.These data were compared and analyzed to get the conclusion as the result of the research. The findings,researcher found that implementation of Flash card in teaching vocabulary for the seventh grade of MTs Negeri II Surakarta runs well. Flash cards is one of media that appropiate to the students. Flash cards is simple media to teach vocabulary, with flash cards the students can master in vocabulary mastery, the students can easily to understand about the material. So, flash cards is simple media to teach Vocabulary Mastery.} }