@thesis{thesis, author={Meta Riany 0405075701 and Nurtati Soewarno 0404125901 and Riyan Rafie Wiranata 212014278}, title ={TA: IMPLEMENTASI KONSEP INTERNATIONAL STYLE PADA HOTEL BINTANG EMPAT DI KAWASAN SUDIRMAN BANDUNG}, year={2019}, url={http://eprints.itenas.ac.id/386/}, abstract={Sejak tahun 2017 pemerintah kota Bandung mempunyai gagasan tentang Bandung metropolis. Salah satu bentuk usaha yang dilakukan adalah revitalisasi koridor kawasan Jl. Sudirman yang telah ditetapkan sebagai kawasan konservasi di kota Bandung. Usaha revitalisasi yang dilakukan diantaranya adalah perbaikan trototar pedestrian dan penambahan furnitur kota. Saat ini, kawasan Jl. Sudirman dipenuhi oleh bangunan berarsitektur cina dan art deco yang mencirikan kawasan lama Bandung. Hotel yang dibangun akan menerapkan konsep International Style. Konsep International Style diangkat untuk mendukung usaha pemerintah mewujudkan Bandung metropolis. Diharapkan kesan modern yang terdapat pada nilai pilots, free plan, roof garden, free composed façade dan ribbon windows dalam konsep International dapat memberikan warna baru pada korior Jl. Sudirman. Diharapkan pula, kawasan koridor Jl. Sudirman tetap mempertahankan konservasi kawasan dalam balutan metropolis. -- Since 2017 the city government of Bandung has an idea about the Bandung metropolis. One of the effort that already has undertaken is revitalizing the corridor of Sudirman street which has been designated as a conservation area in the city of Bandung. The revitalization efforts are including about pedestrian sidewalk improvement and the addition of city furniture Nowadays, the area of Sudirman street is filled with Chinese architecture and art deco buildings that characterize the old area of Bandung. The hotel design will apply the International Style concept. The International Style concept is appointed to support the government's efforts to realize the Bandung metropolis. It is expected that the pilots concept, free plan, roof garden, free composed façade and ribbon windows would give a modern impression as a new color to the corridor of Sudirman street. Also expected, the corridor area of Sudirman street would continue to maintain the conservation of the area in a metropolis.} }