@thesis{thesis, author={Yuliyanti Yuliyanti}, title ={THE RANK SCALE ANALYSIS ON THE DISNEY SONG LYRIC "I SEE THE LIGHT"}, year={2017}, url={http://eprints.peradaban.ac.id/219/}, abstract={The aim of this thesis was to describe rank scale analysis realized on Disney song lyric ?I See the Light?. The source of data was song lyric ?I See the Light? from Alan Menken. In this thesis, the writer analyzed four level analyses: word level, phrase level, clause level, and sentence level. The writer used Syntax theory from Aarts in 2001. The writer used (Simak Bebas Libat Cakap), descriptive qualitative, and (Teknik Bagi Unsur Langsung) as the method. The writer used eight steps to analyze the data. The first, the writer had to download the Disney song lyrics, the second the writer had to write down the script, the writer had to divide all data into sentences, the writer had to rewrite each sentences, the writer had to segment each elements in each sentences, the writer had to identify the element of sentences, the writer had to describe each analysis rank scale, and the last the writer had to establish the conclusion. Finally the result of rank scale analysis on the Disney song lyric ?I See the Light?, it could be concluded that the types of sentence in rank scale analysis had all of the types of sentences. It was 11 simple sentences, 2 compound sentences, 7 complex sentences, and 1 compound and complex sentences. The structures of word level, phrase level, clause level, and sentence level had 2 similar structures. The similar structure is showed through the second sentence and the fiveteen sentence. The formation of similar structure in word level can be portrayed as below: Det + Det + N + N + Aux + V + Prep + Det + N. The formation of similar structure in phrase level can be described as below: NP + NP + NP + VP [Aux + V + PP + NP]. The formation of similar structure in clause level can be described as below: MC ? NP + NP + NP + VP [Aux + V + PP + NP]. The formation of similar structure in sentence level can be portrayed as below: S/MC ? NP + NP + NP + VP [Aux + V + PP + NP].} }