@thesis{thesis, author={Ma’rif Alvina Amaliyah}, title ={A SYNTACTIC ANALYSIS ON SENTENCES FOUND IN THE SONG LYRICS OF ONE DIRECTION’S ALBUM “MADE IN THE A.M. ”}, year={2016}, url={http://eprints.peradaban.ac.id/36/}, abstract={This thesis is about the study of a syntactic analysis on sentences in the song lyrics of one direction album?s Made in the A.M. The writer chooses the song to be analyzed because studying song is not merely analyzing its figurative language, the meaning of words and the language style, but also analyzing the sentence structure of the lyrics. To collect the data, the writer used descriptive qualitative and Simak Bebas Libas Cakap (SLBC) as the method. The writer used Carnie theory (2000) to identify simple declarative sentences and set of rules portrayed in the form of tree diagram. The data were taken from the script of song lyrics of one direction album?s ?Made in the A.M?. The writer used eight steps to analyze the data. For the first step, the writer had to write down the script from the website. Second, the writer had to divide all the data in each song lyrics into sentences. Third, the writer had to choose declarative sentences and separate them from other sentences type (declarative, interrogative, imperative, exclamative sentences). Fourth, the writer had to identify each declarative sentence based on number clauses, whether it is simple, compound, complex, or compound-complex. Fifth, the writer had to choose simple declarative sentences to be identified based on the syntactic properties. Sixth, the writer had to portray the simple declarative sentences into tree diagrams. Seventh, the writer had to describe each analysis from tree diagrams. Finally, the writer had to draw the conclusion. From the result of syntactic analysis on script of song lyrics of one direction album?s ?Made in the A.M?, it could be concluded that there were 82 simple declarative sentences. There are twenty four sample of them in which the top two structure similar. The most frequent sentence structure which occurred in the song lyrics of one direction album?s Made in the A.M. is the pattern of S ?? NP + VP in which VP ?> V + NP appear in 19 times.} }