@thesis{thesis, author={Ayuningtyas Anggie (NIM.40114003)}, title ={THE STUDENTS’ ERROR OF VARIABLE STRESS IN TONGUE TWISTER AT 5th GRADE STUDENTS OF PONDOK PESANTREN MODERN DARUNNAJAT IN THE ACADEMIC YEAR 2018/2019}, year={2018}, url={http://eprints.peradaban.ac.id/495/}, abstract={The aim of this study is to describe the students? error of variable stress in Tongue Twister. The source of data was the 5th grade students of Pondok Pesantren Modern Darunnajat in the academic year 2018/2019. In this thesis, the writer analyzes the students? error in pronouncing variable stress in Tongue Twister. The writer uses Metrical Phonology theory from McMahon in 2002. The writer uses descriptive qualitative research. The writer uses a technique to analyze the data. It is documentation; the writer uses voice recorder to analyze students? error variable stress of Tongue Twister. The students are asked to read Tongue Twister through the list, per level, while the writer records them. All the words on the list have no stress mark on the stress syllable. The writer uses Audacity software to see the sounds frequency. Then, the writer uses Metrical Phonology to determine which syllable in each word is S (stronger) or W (weaker), and Oxford dictionary to analyze the students? error. Finally, from the result of the students? error of variable stress in Tongue Twister, it can be concluded that the students have made the total number of error as many as five hundred and three (503) students? error from 5th F grade students, the total amount students is seventeen (17) and the total amount of words in Tongue Twister is fifty eight (58) from three levels.} }