@thesis{thesis, author={Agustin Devi Ayu (NIM.40114005)}, title ={THE COMPARISON OF LANGUAGE USED IN FOOD RECIPE BETWEEN SPOKEN PROCEDURE IN YOUTUBE AND WRITTEN PROCEDURE IN GOOGLE}, year={2018}, url={http://eprints.peradaban.ac.id/497/}, abstract={The research is aimed at describing the comparison of language used in food recipe between spoken procedure in youtube and written procedure in google. Qualitative approach is used in this research. A technique of data collection is direct observation to the spoken procedure in youtube and written procedure in google. The process of collecting data is by downloading, transcribing and identifying the the parts language characteristics of spoken procedure in youtube and written procedure on google. The sources of data are spoken and written procedure, in which the procedure?s topic is cooking recipe taken from youtube inform of video and google in form of written text. To analysis the data, the writer uses Brown theory about language characteristics particularly from its two main aspects that is complexity and vocabulary. The complexity contains sentence, coordinators, repetition of noun, repetition of verb and vocabulary contains variety of word. The result of this study showed that there is a slight difference between spoken procedure video and written procedure text from its language complexity and vocabulary. Hat there are 109 sentences in spoken procedure and 69 sentences in written procedure. 23 coordinators in spoken procedure and 11 coordinators in written procedure. 18 repetition of noun in spoken procedure and 9 repetition of noun in written procedure. 14 repetition of verb in spoken procedure and 13 repetition of verb in written procedure. 28 variety of word in spoken procedure and 17 variety of word in written procedure. Spoken procedure text mostly use simple sentence meanwhile written procedure uses imperative sentences. Spoken procedure has plenty of noun and verb repetition also variety of word, meanwhile written text does not.} }