@thesis{thesis, author={Khwarizmi Fafa Gandhy (NIM.40114009)}, title ={THE ANALYSIS OF FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE USED IN JOHNNY ENGLISH REBORN FILM}, year={2018}, url={http://eprints.peradaban.ac.id/500/}, abstract={The aim of this study is: to analyze figurative language realized in Johnny English Reborn film.The writer use descriptive qualitative to analyze the figurative language on Johnny English Reborn film. In this study, the writer analyzed the data qualitatively and presented the findings of this study descriptively. The findings of this study show the calculating of figurative language, they are; 16 repetition, 11 hyperbole, 9 understatements, 9 synecdoche, 8 metaphor, 4 parallelism, 3 simile, 3 personification, 2 irony, 2 symbol, 3 tautology, 2 litotes, 1 allusion, 1 paradox. And there are some of 21 figurative language that are not found in Johnny English Reborn film such as; alliteration, oxymoron, onomatopoeia, antanaclasis, metonymy, apostrophe, para rhyme. It can be concluded that in analyze script besides find figurative language in script, we can also understand the meaning of the dialogue and conversation that contain figurative language.} }