@thesis{thesis, author={SUGIWARDANI RESTI}, title ={ANALISIS FAKTOR – FAKT OR YANG MEMP ENGARUHI EFEKTIFITAS PENJUALAN DI PT. OTSUKA INDONESIA}, year={2016}, url={http://eprints.perbanas.ac.id/1002/}, abstract={Sales management control is an important aspect required by salespeople in their duties, not to exceed the limits of its aut hority established by management. Therefore, the effectiveness of the sales organization in achieving the required factor of control of sales management. Salespeople should know the limits and conditions of working areas that do not occur in their duties o verlap. The design or the design of an effective sales area is crucial in achieving sales effectiveness. This study chose PT. Otsuka Indonesia which is a company in the pharmaceutical field, because the pharmaceutical industry in Indonesia has a good marke t share. This study used primary data as a data source. Sampling was done by purposive sampling is to take 100 people Salesperson at PT Otsuka Indonesia. The analysis technique used to answer the hypothesis in this study is SEM (Structural Equation Modelli ng). The study only focused on variable sales manager control system, variable levels of experience selling, sales territory design variable, the variable performance of the sales force and also on the effectiveness of sales at PT. Otsuka Indonesia. The re sults showed that there are significant sales manager control system, level of experience selling and design sales territories to sales force performance with CR values are respectively 2.317; 2.585 and 2.778. In addition it showed that there are significa nt control systems manager, sales territory design, and performance of the sales force of the effectiveness of sales by each CR value is 2.270; 2.183 and 2.412. The variables that most influence the performance of the sales force PT.Otsuka Indonesia is the design of the sales area, while the variables that most influence on sales effectiveness is the performance of the sales force. Keywords: Control Systems Sales Manager, Experience Level Selling, Sales Territory Design, Performance sales force and sales ef fectiveness.} }