@thesis{thesis, author={SARI RATRI ANINDITHA NAWANG}, title ={PERSEPSI MAHASISWA AKUNTANSI TENTANG FAKTOR-FAKTOR YANG MEMPENGARUHI KARIR SEBAGAI AKUNTAN PUBLIK}, year={2015}, url={http://eprints.perbanas.ac.id/1069/}, abstract={This Research, entitled "perception about Accounting Students About The factors that affect the Election Career As a Public Accountant". The objective of the research is to know the difference perception accounting student senior and junior of STIE Perbanas Surabaya for choosing careers as a public accountant. Type of data that is used in this research is primary data. Population that used in this research as many as 81 junior students and 75 senior students. The analysis technique used an Independent Samples T-Test. Independent variables used are financial/salary rewards, professional training, professional recognition, social values, work environment, labor marke directors, personality, and the election career as a public accountant as a dependent variable. The result of this research showed that factors financia/salary rewards, professional recognition, social values and work environment, there was no difference that significantly while in the professional training and labor market directors there are differences that significantly between students accounting senior and junior in choosing careers as a public accountant. Keywords: financial/salary rewards, professional training, professional recognition, social values, work environment, labor market directors, personality and the election career as a public accountant.} }