@thesis{thesis, author={AGUSTIN ROZY PRATIWI}, title ={PELAKSANAAN SERVICE EXCELLENCE OLEH CUSTOMER SERVICE PADA PT. BANK RAKYAT INDONESIA (PERSERO) Tbk KANTOR KAS KODAM SURABAYA}, year={2016}, url={http://eprints.perbanas.ac.id/1083/}, abstract={Increasing human needs of secondary , primary and tertiary , exactly they need a place to manage finances also be high. Everyone wants their funds remain safe , fast growing and can be used for urgent. Seeing the high demand , the bank is required to provide the best service . Customer satisfaction isn?t new thing, it's an essential business concepts and also taken into consideration of choosing the bank's customers to manage finances. Many factors can affect the excellent service of a bank , which is also the comfort of the rooms for complete facilities. No less important is the human factor. Customer service who deal directly with customers , play an important role in the implementation of service excellence.More better the service provided customer service, more better the implementation of service excellence in bank. Implementation of service excellence needed to improve services in order to fulfill customer needs. Many benefits can be obtained in the implementation of service excellence ,increased profit?s of the company obtained, can also increase customer loyalty to the company. Many benefits can be obtained in the implementation of service excellence , among others, the company increased profit obtained also increase customer loyalty for the company.Not a few obstacles must be faced in performing customer service duties to provide excellent service to customers. Such obstacles could come good factor from themselves or external factors, namely customers.Here can be seen how the bank's efforts to continuously improve the service Keyword:serviceexcellence, customer service, PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia Kantor Kas Kodam Surabaya} }