@thesis{thesis, author={NISA SALISA HAIRU}, title ={PERANAN TELLER DALAM USAHA MENINGKATKAN PELAYANAN JASA PADA PT. BANK YUDHA BHAKTI (PERSERO) Tbk CABANG DARMO SURABAYA}, year={2016}, url={http://eprints.perbanas.ac.id/1089/}, abstract={As development banks in Indonesia potentially, lead to the banking world to experience the intense competition in the service usage will service the needs of society, so the bank must establish a policy of profiding quality service and betterservice. Many factors influence excellent service a bank one of them is the human factor which is owned. Tellers who deal directly with customers play an important role in improving customer service. The better the service provided teller, the better the implementation of service excellent to the bank concerned. Keyword :service excellent., teller, service improvement, Bank Yudha Bhakti} }