@thesis{thesis, author={WIJAYANTI KARTIKA KUSUMO}, title ={PROSEDUR PELAKSANAAN TABUNGAN HAJI PADA PT. BANK RAKYAT INDONESIA SYARIAH CABANG SURABAYA}, year={2016}, url={http://eprints.perbanas.ac.id/1111/}, abstract={The development of Islamic financial institutions in Indonesia to provide new products that facilitate every Muslim in Indonesia to be able to register themselves with the hajj pilgrimage bailout facility of Islamic financial institutions, both banks and non-banks. Based on Article 1, paragraph 4 of Regulation of the Minister of Religion No. 30 of 2013 concerning Beneficiary Bank Deposit Cost Hajj, Hajj is that the bailout funds provided as a temporary relief without wearing rewarded by the Beneficiary Bank Deposit (BPS) BPIH to pilgrims for the purpose of provide convenience to customers / prospective 2 customer financing to acquire the portion of the Hajj pilgrimage to the requirements easier and quicker process. Products bailouts Hajj is a solution for some Muslims who can not meet the cost of the pilgrimage in cash at wal Qard Ijarah based on the principle, that the contract of bank lending to customers, along with assignments in order to keep the bank guarantee deposit of goods, in the sense of the word, the maintaining bank guarantees given by customers. Keywords: Hajj, bailouts Hajj, pilgrims, financing} }