@thesis{thesis, author={Estiningtias Anggita}, title ={Planning and organizing a Seminars on Increasing the Competitiveness of Creative Economy-Based Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in the Industrial Age 5.0 (Review of Human Resources and Financial Aspects)}, year={2024}, url={http://eprints.polbeng.ac.id/12650/}, abstract={This seminar is an activity carried out to help owners, managers and operators of MSMEs, students and the general public who are interested in developing MSMEs. The seminar method was chosen because it is more effective in delivering and receiving material. The objectives to be achieved in making this final assignment are determining the human resources needed, determining the task specifications and task descriptions of the committee, determining the speaker criteria, determining participants, motivating the cooperation of the event committee, finding out the report on making the seminar and calculating costs. In the technical aspect of work in carrying out these activities starting from the project preparation stage, project implementation, project completion and project reporting. In carrying out the seminar, the required committee consists of 15 people with different duties and responsibilities. This event was attended by 110 participants from various backgrounds. The speaker of this seminar is Rahmad Hidayat who has 5 years of entrepreneurial experience, the businesses he is involved in are Soymond Milk, Santuy Crackers and Warung Kopi Mahsiswa, Pekanbaru. In carrying out the seminar, the costs incurred were IDR 3.560.000. This event was held on October 19 2023 in the Commercial Administration Mini Conference Room on the 3rd floor of Bengkalis State Polytechnic.} }