@thesis{thesis, author={Kurniawan Sigit}, title ={Klasifikasi Pernyataan Kebutuhan Pengguna Dengan Multinomial Naive Bayes Classifier Berbasis ISO/IEC/IEE 29148:2018}, year={2024}, url={http://eprints.polbeng.ac.id/12784/}, abstract={Identifying functional and non-functional requirements is one of the most important things in software development. However, identifying both types of requirements is sometimes time-consuming, especially in a software that is quite complex. For this reason, a way is needed to identify these two types of needs. This research takes a dataset that is in accordance with the ISO/IEE/IEC 29148: 2018 standard which consists of 14 labels and then will be converted into 3 labels. The classification method used in making the identification is the multinomial naïve bayes algorithm. The classification algorithm used will be trained and tested and then compared with other algorithms that are considered good enough to classify a document or text. In this study, the multinomial naïve bayes algorithm managed to obtain accuracy (88%), precision (99%), recall (88%), and f1-score (93%) values that were considered quite good.} }