@thesis{thesis, author={Fitra Fitra}, title ={Pengaruh Kadar Air Pada Campuran Beton Dengan Mutu 25 Mpa Dengan Menggunakan Zat Adiktif Master Rheobuild 6 Dengan Pengurangan Semen}, year={2024}, url={http://eprints.polbeng.ac.id/13019/}, abstract={Nowadays, building construction really requires concrete construction as the main structure in construction. Not only in terms of strength, concrete also has the characteristic that it is quite easy to make, therefore concrete is the main choice for building construction. Cement is a binding material in concrete and is the most expensive material that makes up concrete. One of the efforts made by suppliers to save production costs is to reduce the amount of cement and add addictive substances. The method used in this research is the concrete compressive strength method. The preparation of Master Rheobuild 6 mixed concrete in this study was 120 cylindrical samples 10 x 20 cm with a curing age of 7, 14 and 28 days with variations of normal concrete without mixture and concrete with 20% cement reduction without mixture and with a mixture of Master additives. Rheobuild 6 is 1.5% of the normal amount of concrete cement, 5%, 10% and 15% water reduction and 5%, 10% and 15% water addition. The planned concrete quality is 25 Mpa. The results of the research, with normal concrete compressive strength of 30.27 Mpa, variations in water reduction of 15% aged 28 days produce a compressive strength of 26.33 Mpa. The use of additives as additional ingredients in the concrete mixture increases the strength of the concrete by reducing water by 15%.} }