@thesis{thesis, author={Yosi Siti Rahma}, title ={Rancang Bangun Sistem Monitoring Temperatur Pada Pipa Pembakaran Arang Menggunakan Arduino Uno}, year={2024}, url={http://eprints.polbeng.ac.id/13383/}, abstract={Charcoal burning is a traditional method widely used in industries such as power generation, and manufacturing. This process involves high-risk equipment compenents, such as pipes that have a certain melting point limit, so continuous temperature monitoring is very important to maintain operational sfficiency and safety. Anjang village, as a producer of charcoal from mangrove tree trunks, faces airpollution problems due to the smoke produced during the burning process. As a solution, a tool has been develoved that can convert smoke into liquid (liquid smoke). However, the high temperature of the smoke proses a risk to the PVC pipe material used in liquid smoke. Condensers which can meit at a temperature of 85?. The tool that will be made in this research is a tool that can monitor the temperature of the pipe to help maintain the durability of the condenser pipe material. This monitoring system tool is run using and automatic Arduino Uno microcontroller systen and uses a type K thermocouple temperature sensor as a temperature detection tool in the pipe. The test results show that the systen succeeded in detecting temperature 83,75? well, with consistent voltage when detecting smoke or not.} }