@thesis{thesis, author={Arangga Muhammad Febriyan}, title ={Penerapan Rational Unified Process Pada Sistem Capaian Kinerja Pegawai Pada Badan Pusat Statistik Bengkalis}, year={2024}, url={http://eprints.polbeng.ac.id/14425/}, abstract={Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) as a Non-Ministry Government Institution. Every month all employees of BPS Bengkalis City are required to make a report on Employee Performance Achievement (CKP) in the form of a percentage comparison of the realization of performance results with performance targets in accordance with the responsibilities of each employee. The CKP Assessment Mechanism which is carried out every month is still manually where each employee and his superior must meet in person to fill out and provide an assessment of the work that has been completed. Therefore, a website-based employee performance appraisal system is the Rational Unified Process developer method. This study resulted in a website-based CKP assessment system so that every employee can enter data on the achievement of the work that has been completed directly anywhere and anytime. Then the supervisor concered can give approval and assessment of the work of his subordinates anywhere and anytime} }