@thesis{thesis, author={Valentina Riska Febriani}, title ={Aplikasi Stock Opname Toko Retail Menggunakan Metode RAD (Rapid Application Development)}, year={2024}, url={http://eprints.polbeng.ac.id/14727/}, abstract={Checking goods is the process of checking the conformity of packaging, quality, specifications and guarantees or the after-sales period of goods from partners compared to the specifications of the goods in the contract.The inventory system used is still manual. This retail store still has problems when it comes to purchasing goods, the shop owner must first ask the cashier how many items are available. And the warehouse will check the goods one by one and it takes quite a long time. Therefore the researchers created "Retail Store Opname Taking Application Using The RAD (Rapid Application Development)" to facilitate and speed up the process of checking goods. It is also helpful to know which items are subject to records, production errors and other errors before deciding to store them. The method used is Rapid Application Developmentwith processing within 60-90 days.} }