@thesis{thesis, author={Saputra Arfando}, title ={Aplikasi Marketplace Penyewaan Mobil Berbasis Website Menggunakan Metode Rapid Application Development}, year={2024}, url={http://eprints.polbeng.ac.id/14746/}, abstract={The Marketplace system is a means of meeting sellers and buyers online, in this case service providers and car renters. With this information system, renters no longer need to bother looking for the car they need that fits their respective criteria, and it is easier for car rental service providers to carry out marketing and expand their marketing reach. This system was created using the RAD (Rapid Application Development) method. This system allows customers to make reservations, vehicle selection, eliminating the hassle in the traditional process involving a visit to the rental. In car rental services there are several problems that need to be resolved. First, there is no web-based information system service that makes it easy for customers to access information on car rental service companies. Second, conventional service is still relatively slow. Currently, reservations are made in two ways, namely coming to the place or calling the telephone number on Whatsapp, so prospective renters have to wait for a response from the rental provider to get information about prices and available cars. Therefore, a car rental information system is needed that specifically serves fleet rentals by booking online and displays transaction information in the form of car rentals and returns on the system dashboard to support strategic needs. To overcome this problem, a car rental information system is proposed using the PHP programming language, MySQL as a database, with the CodeIgniter framework, and using the RAD method which can create high quality web applications.} }