@thesis{thesis, author={Ramadani Nurlisa}, title ={Optimalisasi Pelayanan Keagenan TerhadapKela ncaran Suplai Logistik Di PT. Pertamina Trans Kontinental Sungai Pakning}, year={2024}, url={http://eprints.polbeng.ac.id/14769/}, abstract={Agency services are the business sector of agency shipping companies which aims to serve the needs of ships and ship crews when the ship is docked at the dock. This final assignment aims to understand the agency service process at PT. Pertamina Trans Kontinental in optimizing the smooth running of logistics supplies at PT. Pertamina Trans Kontinental Sungai Pakning, then to find out what obstacles are faced in the smooth running of logistics supplies at PT. Pertamina Trans Kontinental Sungai Pakning, as well as to find out strategies that can be implemented to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of agency services to support the smooth running of logistics supplies at PT. Pertamina Trans Continental Sungai Pakning. The method used in this proposal research is a qualitative method where data acquisition techniques are carried out by searching for information which can be done by means of observation, interviews and documentation. The results of this research that agency services at PT. Pertamina Trans Kontinental is seen from several delay factors which cause logistics supply fulfilment activities to run sub-optimally. Obstacles that occur during the process of implementing the agency services process include a lack of complete facilities and infrastructure, inexperienced human resources and a lack of strategies to anticipate obstacles that occur. Therefore strategies that can be implemented to increase the effectiveness of agency services at PT. Pertamina Trans Kontinental is to carry out control visibility and focus on customer request and make plans based on customer request.} }