@thesis{thesis, author={Aisyah Umi}, title ={Implementasi Pengamanan Barang Milik Daerah Dalam Mewujudkan Akuntabilitas Di Kabupaten Bengkalis}, year={2021}, url={http://eprints.polbeng.ac.id/1780/}, abstract={This study aims to determine the implementation of securing regional property in realizing accountability in Bengkalis Regency. The research data was obtained from the BPKAD Bengkalis Regency as the manager of the goverment asset sector Bengkalis Regency. Techniques in this study is data collection are interviews and documentation. The type of data used in this stdy is descriptive qualitative data. The results of this study are implementation of securing regional property including administratitive security of physical security and legal security carried out by the BPKAD Bengkalis is in accordance with the regulations used namely Permendagri Number 19 Of 2016 and the embodiment of the Bengkalis Regency goverment regarding BMD security is not yet accountable, this is because the one aspects of accountability have not been fulfilled, namely accountability vertical and accountability horizontal.} }