@thesis{thesis, author={Apriyanti Eka}, title ={Perencanaan Tebal Perkerasan Jalan}, year={2021}, url={http://eprints.polbeng.ac.id/1886/}, abstract={Garuda Street is located in Bagan Keladi Village, West Dumai District, which is one of the transportation accesses to accommodate the traffic flow from Ratu Sima to Purnama and Bagan Keladi Village. It has 3 (three) existing conditions, rigid pavement which is able to use, have been damaged, and hoarded ground. From the conditions, planner is interested in evaluating the damage and planning the thickness of the pavement. Therefore the purpose is to determine the type of road damage and handling, determine the type of road pavement, and the estimate of engineer. The planning of road pavement by using the MDPJ 2017 method and the evaluation of the road damage by using Bina Marga 1990. The results of this planning indicated that routine maintenance, the flexible pavement as big as 50 cm (LFA Class A 40 cm, AC-BC 6 cm, and AC-WC 4 cm), while the rigid pavement as big as 32.5 cm (LFA Class A 12.5 cm, and K-300 Concrete Plate 20 cm) for the thickness pavement and the estimate of engineer as big as Rp 2.066.909.772 for flexible pavement and Rp 2.137.723.096 for rigid pavement.} }