@thesis{thesis, author={Almuttaqin Almuttaqin}, title ={Rancang Bangun Alat Penghitung Jumlah Pengunjung Di Perpustakaan Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis Berbasis Mikrokontroler}, year={2021}, url={http://eprints.polbeng.ac.id/1933/}, abstract={Utilization of Ultrasonic sensors in a room in the library can be used as a counter for visitors who have entered the room, making it easier for librarian to know the number of visitors without having to count the number of visitors per day. Ultrasonic sensor is a series of proximity sensors with ultrasonic waves, where in the sensor there are two parts, namely the transmitter which functions as a wave transmitter and the receiver which functions as a transmitter. wave receiver, so that this ultrasonic sensor can detect library visitors. By using this ultrasonic sensor, it is easier to design a prototype system for counting the number of visitors at the Bengkalis State Polytechnic library using ultrasonic sensors and Arduino as a microcontroller by utilizing technological sophistication, namely the Raspberry Pi as a data sender to the website in real time. The results of observing the workings of this system can be concluded that the ultrasonic sensor can detect and count the number of visitors entering and leaving the library} }