@thesis{thesis, author={Riani Shania Agda}, title ={Pengelolaan Persediaan Obat Pada Pusat Kesehatan Masyarakat Bukit Kapur Kota Dumai}, year={2021}, url={http://eprints.polbeng.ac.id/2067/}, abstract={This study aims to determine drug management procedures starting from planning, demand/procurement, receipt of drug supplies and to determine drug supply control at Bukit Kapur Public Health Center, Dumai City. The type of data used in this study is combined data, namely quantitative data and qualitative data. The research data was obtained from the Bukit Kapur Health Center, Dumai City. Data collection techniques in this study are observation, interviews and documentation. The results obtained are: 1)The procedure for managing drug supplies at the Bukit Kapur Public Health Center, Dumai City, has been going well, although there are still advantages and disadvantages.Minister of Health Regulation Number 74 of 2016 Tahun. While there are weaknessesat the stage of drug supply management.Pharmacy clerk Petugas does not calculate drug needs according to Decree of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia No. 1121/Menkes/SK/XII/2008. 2)In controlling drug supply at Bukit Kapur Health Center, Dumai City, there is no special calculation, only according to estimates and looking at consumption patterns. The implementation of stock taking is still using a manual system, causing pharmacy staff to find it difficult to collect drug data and the existence of expired drugs that are not detected so that when calculating drug requirements planning, the amount of drug planning is not accurate.} }