@thesis{thesis, author={Wahyu Dwirianda}, title ={Rancang Bangun Sistem Transmisi Pada Mesin Pembelah Buah Pinang Dengan 2 Mata Pisau}, year={2021}, url={http://eprints.polbeng.ac.id/2265/}, abstract={This study focuses on the discussion about the betel nut splitter which will be designed to replace the process of splitting the betel nut from a manual system using a knife or machete to a mechanical system, with the abundance of wet betel nut in Bengkalis Regency, the researchers want to improve the process of dividing areca nut and make it easier human work. The purpose of this research is to obtain good quantity and quality, and to simplify the process of splitting betel nuts by determining the transmission of tools, namely counting and designing tools, the benefits of which are being able to increase the production of splitting betel nuts and this tool can save time and effort. The method used is to conduct a field study then conduct a literature study and start the design and collection of data and materials that will be used in the process of making the tool. From the results of the study, it was found that the capacity of the betel nut splitter was 291 kg/hour and the final calculation results of the transmission were the blade speed 286.5 rpm and the delivery blade rotation 22.98 rpm. Meanwhile, the areca nut that is split is 80% perfect and 20% is not perfect.} }