@thesis{thesis, author={Akbar Maulana}, title ={Peran Kantor Kesyahbandaran Dan Otoritas Pelabuhan (Ksop) Kelas Ii Tanjung Buton Dalam Operasional Kapal Roro Sei. Lari-Batam}, year={2021}, url={http://eprints.polbeng.ac.id/2587/}, abstract={This study aims to determine the role of harbormasters and port authorities in the operation of the Roro Sungai Selari-Batam ship. Methods This research uses descriptive qualitative method.The purpose of this study is to find out how the harbormaster's operation is under surveillance at Roro Sungai Pakning. The problems of this research are what are the obstacles faced by the harbormaster and port authorities in the operation of the Roro Sungai Selari- Batam ship, when this research was carried out at the Port Authority and Port Authority office of Tanjung Buton Class from month April to August 2021, where this research was carried out at the Pakning River port, The results of this study indicate that during the 2021 period of vehicle loading operations that not all targets set by the company were achieved, one of which was monitoring activities in the port area, the conclusion of this research is The role of the Port Authority Office and Class II Tajung Buton Port Authority is to coordinate all government activities at the port, check the completeness of ship documents at the Pakning River port, issue a letter of approval for ship movement. Before the Roro Sungai Selari-Batam ship departs, the porter will inspect and supervise the ship, issue a sailing approval letter, detain the ship on court orders, and carry out the crew's certificate} }