@thesis{thesis, author={Kusuma Aidil}, title ={Sistem Pengukuran Suhu Tubuh Menggunakan Sensor MLX90614 dan RFID Sebagai Pencegah Penyebaran COVID - 19}, year={2021}, url={http://eprints.polbeng.ac.id/2606/}, abstract={t this time, the COVID-19 pandemic is a major problem in various parts of the world. Especially in Indonesia, this problem has spread to several regions. The government has taken various preventive measures, one of which is keeping a distance, washing hands, not crowding, one way to prevent the spread of covid-19 is by screening the temperature of everyone who enters and leaves a crowded place, but body temperature screening is currently still done manually. Prevention has been carried out, but according to data from the Covid Task Force, cases in Indonesia continue to increase every day. This is certainly not good, because that's why researchers want to help the government and the community in ways to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus, and one of the symptoms of this COVID-19 disease is marked by a temperature above 38°C. Body Temperature Measurement System Using Temperature Sensor MLX90614 and RFId which functions as body temperature measurement automatically by bringing the RFID card closer to the RFID reader then the Ultrasonic sensor detects close objects, activates the RFID reader and the MLX90614 sensor, the RFID reader receives the ID from the RFID card, then the Ultrasonic sensor detects a distance of <= 5 cm and the MLX90614 sensor actively receives sensor data which will be displayed on the LCD, if the temperature exceeds 38°C then the alarm will sound then the data will be sent to the database and displayed on the website page. To create tools and information systems that will later be installed at the entrance or installed at the security post which can be used to prevent the spread of viruses by using RFId tools, MLX90614 sensors, and others. The trial was carried out on three people by comparing the FAMIDOC FDIR-V22 standard thermometer model from the results of the trials that have been carried out showing that this system has an error difference of about 10% - 11%. The system is able to detect temperature and send temperature data to the web for monitoring.} }