@thesis{thesis, author={Nurhaya Isnaina}, title ={Analisa Rancang Bangun Alat On-Off Generator Set Secara Otomatis Dengan Memanfaatkan Arduino Uno}, year={2018}, url={http://eprints.polbeng.ac.id/4104/}, abstract={Generator set (genset) is an equpment thant can change mechancs energy into electricity energy using gasoline orfuel. Generally genset is done by using on-off systemsmanually, so that it is not effective because operator has to be on and off the generator set directhy. This will distrub in doing activities that need electricity energy suply. Problem above becomes reference in making on-off genset control system automatically by using arduino uno. Microcontroller arduino uno program is made by using C++ arduino IDE program languange based on open sourse.} }