@thesis{thesis, author={Dewantoro Tri}, title ={Sistem Pemantau Elevasi Air Kanal Sebagai Indikasi Kebakaran Hutan Berbasis Zegbee}, year={2018}, url={http://eprints.polbeng.ac.id/4384/}, abstract={Forest fires are the burning of forest areas both in large and small areas. The cause of the fire is lightning, human carelessness, arson, etc. One of the efforts to overcome forest fires is to make canal blocks. Therefore, the system is intended to monitor an indication of forest fires by monitoring the canal water elevation, temperature and humidity around in anticipation of wildfires. This system works by placing two devices each in a different channel location to monitor the condition of the canal water level elevation, temperature and humidity around the channel and both of these devices transmit the file wireless according to the specified time of a file receiver connected to the computer to display and save the file from the shipment. Network wireless sensor technology is used by utilizing zegbee wireless networks as file communications. Based on the results of this research file transmission using zegbee network is a maximum of approximately 35 meters. The level of accuracy of successful file transmission on channel monitoring uses the zegbee network which is 84.3% of the 205 times the file transmission process.} }