@thesis{thesis, author={Sari Karmila}, title ={Pendeteksi Kebakaran Berbasis Whatsapp}, year={2018}, url={http://eprints.polbeng.ac.id/4393/}, abstract={Lately there have often been fires caused by several factors including human error in using electronic devices that are dangerous and can cause a fire or there is a short circuit of the electricity network in the building or the building that will cause a spark and several other factors, the purpose of this study was to design a fire detection device that was formulated through whatsapp. In this study the use of MQ-2 smoke sensor as a fire detector is a tool that detects the presence of smoke. This tool consists of the MQ-2 sensor as a fire detector, Arduino Uno as an input and output controller. when not detecting a sensor fire does not send data to whatsapp. Arduino is used to process the situation, so that when it detects the presence of smoke it will send a message to whatsapp. So that makes it easier for users to find out the situation in a room. With more advanced technology, we can get along and monitor with the speed of the GPS network in order to facilitate the process. In the research conducted shows that the system can work as expected, which is to give a warning to the surrounding environment by sending data to whatsapp.} }