@thesis{thesis, author={Abdullah Fizin}, title ={Rancang Bangun Sistem Kontrol Peralatan Listrik Menggunakan Suara Berbasis Android}, year={2018}, url={http://eprints.polbeng.ac.id/4395/}, abstract={The government urges to save electricity energy, one of which is to reduce electricity use. To start efficient us of electricity can start from the use of electronic items that are used every day. Dayli necessities are certainly a lot of them must have many contacts. Therefore it has been made an electronic goods control tool using android based sound. At this time the voice command is given to the android smartphone, the voice will be sent via the internet to google voice received rasbery pi. From raspberry pi to arduino using nodes. Sent in the from of data corresponding to the code in arduino. Then the command is executed to turn on and trun off electronicitems. The results off measurements of the distance obtained between android and the items in control are not staged.} }