@thesis{thesis, author={Aini Dewi}, title ={Sistem Kontrol Lampu Ruangan Menggunakan Bluetooth HC-06}, year={2018}, url={http://eprints.polbeng.ac.id/4406/}, abstract={Abstract - Smartphones with Android operating systems are increasingly available on the market at more affordable prices. The Android operating system itself is an open source operating system that can reach as needed. In this Final Project is the task and implement, namely the Room Light Control System via Bluetooth Hc-06 based on the results that can be done, the system can work properly in accordance with the purpose of the light control application program that can be operated on the Android operating system, and can activate and driver device driver lights, where using 4 lights and 1 fan. Data communication between the lamp driver device and the Android smartphone is running well, the remote system can be set by the lamp driver device depending on the Bluetooth device which is good from the receiver and sender side.} }