@thesis{thesis, author={Ridwan Muhammad}, title ={Timbangan Digital Berbasis Arduino Uno Dengan Output Suara}, year={2018}, url={http://eprints.polbeng.ac.id/4408/}, abstract={Technology developments in measuring instruments, measurement of types of mass measuring devices or scales that increase according to their respective functions. One form of technological progress towards measuring devices on digital scales that developed into sound scales. The purpose of this study is to make an arduino-based scale with LCD output and sound that has a function to help blind people who want to trade without looking at the LCD because there is a sound output that can be heard. Thus, weight measurement is very important for sellers to ensure prices are in line with the results of the scales that are measured. Some of the leaders who carry out the task are to reset the position of the pointer to 0, and then they weigh weighing. Based on the results of the trial tool to determine the percentage of tool error is 0.208%. The percentage results can be given with an average average of 20.8%. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the manufacturing of weighing devices that have been used states that the work system of the tool is good and feasible, but this tool has not yet been marketed because the results obtained have not yet reached full accuracy. Need to develop again.} }