@thesis{thesis, author={Larasati Niken}, title ={Prototype Tiket Roro Menggunakan Smart Card Prabayar}, year={2018}, url={http://eprints.polbeng.ac.id/4434/}, abstract={With this final project entitled roro ticket prototype using prepaid smart cards, it will replace the ticket system that will make it easier for passengers to use sea transportation services. Currently the transaction process at the Bengkalis Crossing Port still uses manual tickets. In the Roro ticket prototype using this prepaid smart card uses Arduino Uno as its main component. As for its supporting components: RFID, servo motor, RFID reader functions as a tag card reader sensor, Arduino will process data from RFID. In its application, several obstacles were found, namely passengers who felt aggrieved when using manual tickets. And currently there are 9 people registered as passengers. If in the ID card is failed with a balance of 100.000 then the passenger can use for the selection of crossing a motorcycle as much as 5 times crossing and if the passenger has a balance of 150.000 for the choice of crossing the car, the passenger will do the crossing 1 time. In this final project the tool can run 100%. In this case the author designs and makes Roro ticket prototypes using prepaid smart cards to facilitate the public in using transportation services.} }