@thesis{thesis, author={Siburian Eva Cindi Cristanti}, title ={Perencanaan Dan Pelaksanaan Workshop Cooking Untuk Memulai Bisnis Online Dengan Budget Kecil (Tinjauan Aspek Sumber Daya Manusia)}, year={2022}, url={http://eprints.polbeng.ac.id/4468/}, abstract={This activities are community related activities that generate business opportunities. This final project aims to organize a workshop cooking for starting online bisiness with small budget in terms of the human resources aspect, while the specific objective is to determine the human resources involved in organizing a workshop cooking for starting online bisiness with small budget to determine the criteria for resource persons and to find out problems and solutions encountered during the event. Methods for implementing the Workshop cooking event is the preparation plan, implementation plan, completion plan, and project reporting plan. The result of the implementation of this activity is that the human resource process is carried out well such as motivating the work team in carrying out activities, determining the form of supervision in the implementation of activities, carrying out the activity agenda, delivering workshop materials by resource persons, and giving appreciation to the resource persons. The obstacles faced were the delay of participants attending the event, and the incorrect name writing on the certificate. The solution to these problems is by informing the participants of the change in time via the whatsapp group and asking participants if there is an incorrect name writing when the certificate distribution takes place.} }