@thesis{thesis, author={Nurhafidah Nurhafidah}, title ={Perencanaan dan Pembuatan Bisnis Scrub Rempah "FW BEAUTEE"(Tinjauan Aspek Produksi)}, year={2022}, url={http://eprints.polbeng.ac.id/4522/}, abstract={This final project is entitled ?FW Beautee's Spice Scrub Business Planning and Development (Production Aspect Review)?. The general objective of this final project is to find out how to plan and create a "FW Beautee" spice scrub business. The specific objectives of this final project are to find out the raw materials used, to find out how the production process works, to determine the total cost, and to find out the constraints and solutions faced during the production process of the "FW Beautee" spice scrub. The project implementation method consists of four stages, namely project preparation, project implementation, project completion, and project reporting. The end result of this project is a production process that runs for 8 times which produces a new product in the form of a scrub made from black sticky rice. And to find out the constraints and solutions in producing FW Beautee Spice Scrub. The production process is included in the type of (continuous process). The total cost required in this project is Rp. 650,000,-, where the details are for production expenses of Rp. 361,000, - and for marketing expenses of Rp. 289,000. The obstacle faced by the executor is that when the weather is not hot or even rainy, the executor cannot dry the bengkoang. As for the obstacles that implementers face during the production process, namely when the weather is not hot or even rainy, the implementers cannot dry bengkoang. The solution that the executor did was when carrying out the production process on the first day the weather was not sunny or not even hot, the executor would dry the bengkoang the next day.} }