@thesis{thesis, author={Asyrufi Wilda}, title ={Perencanaan dan Pembuatan Bisnis Scrub Rempah "FW Beautee" (Tinjauan Aspek Pemasaran)}, year={2022}, url={http://eprints.polbeng.ac.id/4553/}, abstract={"FW Beautee" spice scrub is an innovative scrub product made from black sticky rice. The purpose of this final project is to find out the marketing strategy, marketing mix, the constraints faced and how to solve these problems. This final project is implemented with 4 (four) methods, namely project preparation plan, project implementation plan, project completion plan and project reporting plan. The result of the implementation of this final project is that the market segmentation used is geographic segmentation, namely the Bengkalis Regency area, especially Bengkalis District. Demographic segmentation targets all types of people and all genders. Psychographic segmentation targets the entire community, especially those who like to take care of the body. The target market is all people from teenagers to adults and all genders, especially those who like scrubs. We position the "FW Beautee" spice scrub as a skin beauty product with natural herbal ingredients that no competitor produces with the same ingredients in Bengkalis and maintains good quality. Sales are carried out by delivery and promote products through social media. The obstacle faced is the doubts of potential consumers to buy the "FW Beautee" spice scrub product due to the consumer's fear of skin incompatibility with the product. In overcoming the obstacles faced during marketing, the author shows several testimonials that have been obtained from previous consumers in order to be more convincing to new potential customers.} }