@thesis{thesis, author={Dewanti Nisca}, title ={Studi deskriptif kepuasan mahasiswa pada layanan paket data kartu telkomsel (studi kasus mahasiswa politeknik negeri bengkalis)}, year={2022}, url={http://eprints.polbeng.ac.id/4655/}, abstract={This study aims to determine the effect of consumer satisfaction on student satisfaction on the Telkomsel data package. This type of research is an observational study in which student satisfaction is a variable. The population in this study were all students of the Bengkalis State Polytechnic with a sample of 100 people. Sampling was carried out using the Non Probability sampling technique. The data collection technique was done by using a questionnaire. The results of this study indicate that the suitability of expectations to get a mean score of 4.27 is classified in the first ranked class, while the willingness to recommend getting a mean score of 4.17 is classified as the second rank, and those interested in visiting again get a mean score of 4.13 classified as the lowest class. or third place. Then the factor of suitability of expectations that most dominantly affects student satisfaction on the Telkomsel card data package service, while the factor of interest in revisiting the lowest affects student satisfaction decisions on the Telkomsel card data package service.} }