@thesis{thesis, author={Lumban Gaol Deswita Anastasya}, title ={Perencanaan Dan Pelaksanaan Workshop Cooking Untuk Memulai Bisnis Online Dengan Budget Kecil (Tinjauan Aspek Kesekretariatan Dan Keuangan)}, year={2022}, url={http://eprints.polbeng.ac.id/4812/}, abstract={This activity is an activity related to people who expect business opportunities. This final task aims to organize planning and implementation of Coooking Workshops to Start An Online Business with a Small Budget. Special purpose to know the duties of the secretary, To know the activities of correspondence (correspondence) and finance and know the solutions and obstacles faced during the event. As for the implementation methods used in this project there are 4, namely, project preparation plan, project implementation plan, project completion plan, and project reporting plan. The results of the implementation of activities, namely secretarial and financial processes are carried out properly such as the distribution of certificates, the creation of certificates and brousurs, conducting correspondence processes such as determining the concept of letters, making letters, distributing letters, and scheduled activities according to plan, and making income reports and financial expenditures. The obstacles faced in the secretarial part are less thorough in the making of letters so that mistakes occur when making letters. The solution of the obstacles faced is to re-create the letter carefully and send a letter that has been determined. While in the secretarial part of the obstacles faced, namely often there are errors in cost calculation and typing of numbers in financial statements so that the author often repeats for cost checking. The solution of the obstacles faced is that the author often asks for help to those who better understand and can help in making financial statements.} }