@thesis{thesis, author={Suziana Erma}, title ={Perencanaan Dan Pembuatan Bisnis Kupat Tahu Spesal “Mommy” (Tinjauan Aspek Produksi)}, year={2022}, url={http://eprints.polbeng.ac.id/5050/}, abstract={The purpose of this final project, namely to find out the raw and complementary materials used in the manufacture of the "Mommy" Special Kupat Tofu business, to find out how the production process of the "Mommy" Special Kupat Tofu business is, to determine the total production cost of the "Mommy" Special Kupat Tofu business, and to find out the constraints faced and solutions to the constraints that occur during the production process. The method used in this project consists of four stages, namely project preparation plan, project implementation plan, project completion plan, project reporting plan. The end result of this product is to produce a new product, Kupat Tofu Special ?Mommy? whose raw materials consist of tofu, bean sprouts, cabbage, cucumber, peanuts, celery and supporting ingredients to serve Kupat Tofu Special ?Mommy? is a sauce made from spices. Kitchen ware such as palm sugar, sweet soy sauce, tamarind, cayenne pepper, garlic and water whose production process is divided into several stages, namely; The process of providing equipment, raw materials, manufacture or production as well as the process of financial reporting in production activities. Which in this effort can help train us in the business field and train the speed so that this special Kupat Tofu product reaches consumers with undoubted production and marketing results.} }