@thesis{thesis, author={Ningrum Yulia}, title ={The Impact of Implementation Online Single Submission (OSS) on MSME in Bengkalis}, year={2022}, url={http://eprints.polbeng.ac.id/6289/}, abstract={This research aims to determine The Impact of Impelementation Online Single Submission on MSME in Bengkalis. The method use in this research is descriptive qualitative method. The data analysis process is carried out by presenting the data that has obtained for later drawing conclusions. In this study, there were 9 respondents as business doers of MSME in Bengkalis. The results of this study are the impact of the policy Online Single Submission on MSME in Bengkalis have a positive impact on MSME With these regulations or policies, it is easier for MSME doers to manage permits through the OSS system which was originally done manually, with the policy or regulation, they switch to the online single submission system. The Impact of the Instant or Time Dimension Online Single Submission on MSME in Bengkalis thus that in obtaining a permit only takes a very short time and is not complicated. The Impact of the Direct cost Online Single Submission on MSME in Bengkalis thus that when applying for a permit, there is no fee for MSME doers to apply for a permit for free. The number of MSME license issuances through online single submission in Bengkalis based on data obtained from DPMPTSP, the issuance of permits through OSS increased in 2018-2019 amounting to 79 permits then in 2020-2021 to 101 issued permits} }