@thesis{thesis, author={Savhira Anggi}, title ={Aplikasi Pemesanan Ruangan Di MeetUp Coworking And Office Space Pekanbaru Berbasis Website}, year={2022}, url={http://eprints.polbeng.ac.id/7039/}, abstract={The internet is a very developed means of information today. Various kinds of things can be done using the internet, such as information search, discussion forums, educational facilities, sales transactions, and so on. Currently, information on room availability and ordering is done manually by contacting the admin in the office by telephone to ask whether the room to be booked is available or not. Utilization of online information systems can improve customer service and reach new customers so as to improve business performance and facilitate room reservations at the company. For this reason, a website is created that will provide convenience to clients, where clients can book a room in the office without having to go to a direct site survey. With the above background, the author wants to take the title of the Final Project, namely "BOOKING APPLICATIONS IN MEETUP COWORKING AND OFFICE SPACE PEKANBARU BASED ON WEBSITE".} }