@thesis{thesis, author={Mustakim Mustakim}, title ={Penerapan Metode Rapid Aplication Development (RAD) Pada Sistem Inventory Obat Berbasis Web}, year={2022}, url={http://eprints.polbeng.ac.id/7111/}, abstract={Medicines are one of the needs of today's society, both in terms of the need to treat diseases and as a support for energy supplements and vitamins for the body. In this digital era, there are still many drug stores (pharmacies/clinics) that are not familiar with inventory technology that can assist various sales transaction processes and data collection. The implementation of the system of sales transactions and recording of drug data at pharmacies is still mostly conventional, namely data collection with bookkeeping as documentation media, so it takes a long time to collect data. Inventory systems that can assist computerized drug data collection have not yet been implemented in pharmacies. This study aims to build an inventory system that can record computerized drug data and help the public to check the availability of drugs.} }