@thesis{thesis, author={Iswandi Muhammad}, title ={Rancang Bangun Alat pembending pipe Otomatis Untuk ukuran Satu Setengah inch}, year={2022}, url={http://eprints.polbeng.ac.id/7167/}, abstract={With this pipe bending tool, it can facilitate work or manufacture products whose types of work are bent or bent, such as in the manufacture of tents, knobs and others, such as in plate and pipe workshops in the shipping engineering department of Bengkalis State Polytechnic, for now there is still no Therefore, the author expresses ideas and designs a pipe bending tool whose function is to facilitate pipe bending in the planning process of making this pipe bending tool, it cannot be separated from the calculation, design, until the assembly of the tool to completion and the results of making this pipe bending tool we can conclude how the manufacturing process has been determined in accordance with calculations and planning} }